Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I am a big recycler. If it is glass, plastic, paper, cardboard or whatever, I will try to recycle it. This includes my toilet paper tubes.

I mean, they're clean and just cardboard after all. What I seem to have a hard time doing is getting them from the bathroom to the recycle bin. I don't live in a mansion or anything! So explain to me why I have 3 of them sitting on my bathroom shelf right now?


  1. I have them in a bag under my bathroom sink. When I get enough, I take them to work and have them figure out a craft to do with it. You should take them to a local preschool or church, I'm sure they'd do something with them.

  2. We take ours to a place called Leftovers that teachers and parents can visit to get craft supplies. I do the same thing you do, though. My house isn't that huge, but I always have a collection of a few before I put them in the bag to go to Leftovers. :-)
