Saturday, April 28, 2012

At Least It's Pretty

We took DH out for his birthday tonight. I asked for a drink that was fun but didn't have alcohol. This is what I got. Pretty and tasty. It would have also been great with vodka. Lol.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Coworker Vent

So I left work early yesterday because I was sick. I know it was last minute. Well I tried to throw together a lesson where they watched a video, read some in their book, and then worked on a worksheet. Saw my coworker this morning. All she could do was bitch that she didn't have the link to the video, then she had to show it on the projector because they all didn't have their headphones, then she had to help with the worksheet because they didn't get it perfectly the first time. Guess what? There were ways to work around all of this. First, you could have had them watch in small groups. Second, you could have told them to do their best and I would help when I got back. Instead you had to bitch about it.

I'm sorry I was sick. I'm sorry I had to ask you. I hate asking her for anything because all she does is complain. I want to tell our chair that I will never ask her for anything again because she is too much of a pain in the ass.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Shower #1!

I was incredibly blessed to have a wonderful shower hosted by my dear friend Joline.

Doesn't the room look awesome? And that spread of food was BEFORE Ame brought the Jilly's cupcakes.

I got to spend time with some fabulous friends who really showered me with love. Here are a few more pictures of the day.

And let's pay special attention to the awesome diaper tricycle that Joline made. How sweet is that?!?!

I feel so blessed and this baby is really lucky already.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday Poem

I saw this today and thought it was pretty awesome.

Advice from a Caterpillar

                                    Amy Gerstler


Chew your way into a new world.

Munch leaves. Molt. Rest. Molt

again. Self-reinvention is everything.

Spin many nests. Cultivate stinging

bristles. Don't get sentimental

about your discarded skins. Grow

quickly. Develop a yen for nettles.

Alternate crumpling and climbing. Rely

on your antennae. Sequester poisons

in your body for use at a later date.

When threatened, emit foul odors

in self-defense. Behave cryptically

to confuse predators: change colors, spit,

or feign death. If all else fails, taste terrible.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

A's Quote of the Day

A's sister called today and we were chatting about baby stuff that was an was not done. Today, he finished painting the main walls of the nursery. Yay! Now all that's left is the decorative work which he thinks can be done in a day. He still won't commit to a name though! When his sister told him it was time to choose especially since painting was done his response was, "Today was painting day, not pick a name day. You can't do both on the same day."

At some point you just have to laugh. I'm starting to really believe that this kid is coming home with the name Baby T.

Back to work tomorrow.