Written 12w3d
I had my second appointment yesterday and it was great. After being stressed all day the nurse warned me that they might not be able to hear the heartbeat with the Doppler. I knew this was possible, so, eyes bulging, I asked her what would happen then. She reassured me that we would immediately go to the ultrasound room to check it out. Phew.
Anyway, my blood pressure was high for me since I'd been stressed all day, but they seemed ok with everything else. She started moving the Doppler around, and there it was! My little woosh woosh. HR 160!!! Yay!
Now I'm free to let the cat out of the bag.
The point of this story is that after stressing all day I had a raging headache that would not quit. Of course I can't take any good drugs for it, so I did a little Tylenol and tried to sleep it off. I woke up this morning nauseous and still with the headache. It felt just like a hangover. So I decided to do a last ditch effort with a true hangover cure. I stopped at McDonald's and got a sausage biscuit and a small Coke. It did the trick. That's only the second caffinated beverage I've had this pregnancy but otherwise I was going to have to take a sick day. Good to know some things still work.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Written 11w2d
My appointment is one week from today! Sheesh the time seemed to crawl by. Thanksgiving day was long but nice. I missed my family, but we had a nice time with A's in IL. The food was better then usual and we played a fun game of Phase 10. The family is very excited, so I only hope that everything goes well next week. Not only do I fear how I would handle it but how the families will take it. I keep praying though, and I guess that's the best I can do.
My appointment is one week from today! Sheesh the time seemed to crawl by. Thanksgiving day was long but nice. I missed my family, but we had a nice time with A's in IL. The food was better then usual and we played a fun game of Phase 10. The family is very excited, so I only hope that everything goes well next week. Not only do I fear how I would handle it but how the families will take it. I keep praying though, and I guess that's the best I can do.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
11 Weeks
Written 11w0d
Not much to report this week. I'm glad it's Thanksgiving week so I can sleep and sleep and sleep. I've caught myself slipping this week as I hear people talk about their T1 experiences. But I'm just not ready to share with the world though. I keep praying that my appointment next week goes smoothly so I can feel a little more happy and a little less scared.
Not much to report this week. I'm glad it's Thanksgiving week so I can sleep and sleep and sleep. I've caught myself slipping this week as I hear people talk about their T1 experiences. But I'm just not ready to share with the world though. I keep praying that my appointment next week goes smoothly so I can feel a little more happy and a little less scared.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
A Quote
Written at 10w5d
My friend Alyssa is pregnant! She announced this week at 14w. She was one of my best supporters as we tried and tried. Alyssa finally got pregnant on her second round of IVF, and I just could not be happier for her. She and her husband will make great parents, and I'm excited that our kids can, hopefully, spend some time together. Her due date is almost exactly one month before mine.
Anyway, like me, she waited to tell and wrote blog posts to update the time between finding out and telling. Last night's post was about symptoms and lack thereof. So far, I have had a VERY easy pregnancy. So easy in fact, that every day I think it might not be real. I've had almost NO nausea, my bloating has definitely gotten under control, and, more than anything, I'm just tired. Not so bad. Well, I worry that these easy peasy symptoms must mean something is wrong. I feel like December 1 won't ever get here, and I just need to hear that heartbeat again to reassure me that everything is ok.
But on to the quote. Alyssa said, "I really want to be at a place where I feel okay to be "p," confident to say it and not constantly worry. Every free moment I have, I say a prayer for the babies that they're okay and strong and growing. I'm not sure I'll feel that way until I see and hear heartbeats which hopefully will be very soon!" [I'm not linking her blog since it's so personal, but if I get permission I'll add the links.]
Obviously I only have one heartbeat to listen for but I really feel the need to know that everything is ok in there. My doctor was very clear that since we saw and heard the baby at 8w, everything is PROBABLY fine. In fact, the odds are STRONGLY in our favor. Nevertheless, it was hard to get here. I can't imagine how shattered I will be if we lose this baby.
Chin up! Thanksgiving is this week and I only have two days of work! Hopefully I can get some sewing in over the break because I've been too tired to do any since getting knocked up. Lol
My friend Alyssa is pregnant! She announced this week at 14w. She was one of my best supporters as we tried and tried. Alyssa finally got pregnant on her second round of IVF, and I just could not be happier for her. She and her husband will make great parents, and I'm excited that our kids can, hopefully, spend some time together. Her due date is almost exactly one month before mine.
Anyway, like me, she waited to tell and wrote blog posts to update the time between finding out and telling. Last night's post was about symptoms and lack thereof. So far, I have had a VERY easy pregnancy. So easy in fact, that every day I think it might not be real. I've had almost NO nausea, my bloating has definitely gotten under control, and, more than anything, I'm just tired. Not so bad. Well, I worry that these easy peasy symptoms must mean something is wrong. I feel like December 1 won't ever get here, and I just need to hear that heartbeat again to reassure me that everything is ok.
But on to the quote. Alyssa said, "I really want to be at a place where I feel okay to be "p," confident to say it and not constantly worry. Every free moment I have, I say a prayer for the babies that they're okay and strong and growing. I'm not sure I'll feel that way until I see and hear heartbeats which hopefully will be very soon!" [I'm not linking her blog since it's so personal, but if I get permission I'll add the links.]
Obviously I only have one heartbeat to listen for but I really feel the need to know that everything is ok in there. My doctor was very clear that since we saw and heard the baby at 8w, everything is PROBABLY fine. In fact, the odds are STRONGLY in our favor. Nevertheless, it was hard to get here. I can't imagine how shattered I will be if we lose this baby.
Chin up! Thanksgiving is this week and I only have two days of work! Hopefully I can get some sewing in over the break because I've been too tired to do any since getting knocked up. Lol
Monday, December 12, 2011
10 Weeks
Written 10w0d
Double digits!

OITT is now the size of a prune.
I was a little freaked over the weekend because my abdomen was sore. Not crampy or anything, just sore like I had done 1000 crunches. I called the doc and the nurse said I was fine. She then said I was not annoying and that they were there for just such calls.
Not to worry though, my symptoms came back today. I'm super bloated and thinking about bed and it's only 7:30. I also bought maternity pants this weekend to make room for my blump. Actually, I think it might be a real, honest to goodness, tiny bump. My lower abdomen is hard and when I TRY to suck it in, it is almost painful.
Two weeks and two days until the next appointment.
Double digits!
OITT is now the size of a prune.
I was a little freaked over the weekend because my abdomen was sore. Not crampy or anything, just sore like I had done 1000 crunches. I called the doc and the nurse said I was fine. She then said I was not annoying and that they were there for just such calls.
Not to worry though, my symptoms came back today. I'm super bloated and thinking about bed and it's only 7:30. I also bought maternity pants this weekend to make room for my blump. Actually, I think it might be a real, honest to goodness, tiny bump. My lower abdomen is hard and when I TRY to suck it in, it is almost painful.
Two weeks and two days until the next appointment.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
9 Weeks
Written at 9w0d
Look at those beautiful fingers!

More growing. I'm feeling pretty good. My latest cravings are cheese sandwiches, yogurt, and milk. Apparently the baby needs Calcium. The only thing that IS new is a little heartburn. It's not too bad, but I can definitely feel it.
I went out for Mexican with a couple friends last week. Holy bloat batman! Those salty chips really blew me up. Note to self: While salty food tastes as delicious as ever, when you are already having water retention problems, it just gets out of control.
Look at those beautiful fingers!
More growing. I'm feeling pretty good. My latest cravings are cheese sandwiches, yogurt, and milk. Apparently the baby needs Calcium. The only thing that IS new is a little heartburn. It's not too bad, but I can definitely feel it.
I went out for Mexican with a couple friends last week. Holy bloat batman! Those salty chips really blew me up. Note to self: While salty food tastes as delicious as ever, when you are already having water retention problems, it just gets out of control.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Telling my parents
Written at 8w2d
We told my parents tonight. They had already planned a trip to town, and we decided to wait until we got a chance to tell them in person. I had dinner with them last night, but I wanted to make sure A was with me when they found out.
I didn't really want to do anything big, I just wanted to make sure we were physically together when I told them. We had a nice dinner together and luckily I'm sick, so it has been easy to pass off not drinking. After dinner, I gave my dad a bag with the World Series shirt we got him. A copy of the ultra sound was in the bag. There were tears, squeals, etc. I have to admit that I was creeped out when my dad kept telling A, "well done." Ew.
Now we get to spend a fun weekend together.
We told my parents tonight. They had already planned a trip to town, and we decided to wait until we got a chance to tell them in person. I had dinner with them last night, but I wanted to make sure A was with me when they found out.
I didn't really want to do anything big, I just wanted to make sure we were physically together when I told them. We had a nice dinner together and luckily I'm sick, so it has been easy to pass off not drinking. After dinner, I gave my dad a bag with the World Series shirt we got him. A copy of the ultra sound was in the bag. There were tears, squeals, etc. I have to admit that I was creeped out when my dad kept telling A, "well done." Ew.
Now we get to spend a fun weekend together.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Another week
Written 8w0d

It looks like a duck. But it's my cutie pie little baby duck.
My biggest symptoms continue to be gas, constipation, and the vicious cycle of desperate thirst and a constant need to pee. The dogs are extra cuddly, I've started wearing A's PJ pants (I have to tie them on, but the waistband on mine are just a little too snug on my blump,) and I'm in bed by 9:00 every night. I'm pretty sure my puke fest last week was actually a bug not m/s. That's a blessing.
A says he can see changes in my belly, but I still contend that it isn't a real bump yet.
The scary moment today was when I tripped on a kid's backpack in my classroom. I fell all the way down, and, to add insult to injury, the doctor's office sent me to St. John's to get double checked even though it was probably no big deal. I have to get a RhoGam shot tomorrow since I'm O negative and there could be a chance that the baby is Rh positive and there MIGHT be a mixing of blood.
After the u/s, I started hopping online again, but I've again restricted myself. Too much Bump makes me way too paranoid. I still think about getting an at-home Doppler just to ease my mind. Then I wonder how neurotic I can really be. I think I'll wait to see how I feel about it at my next appointment when the nurse uses it on me.
On to week 9!
It looks like a duck. But it's my cutie pie little baby duck.
My biggest symptoms continue to be gas, constipation, and the vicious cycle of desperate thirst and a constant need to pee. The dogs are extra cuddly, I've started wearing A's PJ pants (I have to tie them on, but the waistband on mine are just a little too snug on my blump,) and I'm in bed by 9:00 every night. I'm pretty sure my puke fest last week was actually a bug not m/s. That's a blessing.
A says he can see changes in my belly, but I still contend that it isn't a real bump yet.
The scary moment today was when I tripped on a kid's backpack in my classroom. I fell all the way down, and, to add insult to injury, the doctor's office sent me to St. John's to get double checked even though it was probably no big deal. I have to get a RhoGam shot tomorrow since I'm O negative and there could be a chance that the baby is Rh positive and there MIGHT be a mixing of blood.
After the u/s, I started hopping online again, but I've again restricted myself. Too much Bump makes me way too paranoid. I still think about getting an at-home Doppler just to ease my mind. Then I wonder how neurotic I can really be. I think I'll wait to see how I feel about it at my next appointment when the nurse uses it on me.
On to week 9!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Baby's first Halloween
Written at 7w6d
There it is!

I think it looks like a T-Rex with its giant head and teeny tiny arms. Ha! My official due date is June 12, the doctor says I have less than a 3% chance of miscarriage now, and we are starting to tell our families.
BTW, if you look really closely at the ultrasound, there are darker spots on the head that make it look like the baby is smiling. Every time I get stressed about miscarriage, I tell myself "I'm pregnant today" and then I look at the little embryo smile.
There it is!

I think it looks like a T-Rex with its giant head and teeny tiny arms. Ha! My official due date is June 12, the doctor says I have less than a 3% chance of miscarriage now, and we are starting to tell our families.
BTW, if you look really closely at the ultrasound, there are darker spots on the head that make it look like the baby is smiling. Every time I get stressed about miscarriage, I tell myself "I'm pregnant today" and then I look at the little embryo smile.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I thought I'd be lucky
Written at 6w6d
I really haven't had much morning sickness etc. Some food aversions (chicken and eggs especially) but nothing too bad.
Then it got to be today. Ugh. Raging headache and puking all morning.
It's reassuring to have symptoms. That tells me that things are still progressing. I had forgotten how gross it feels to throw up though. At least I got to leave work early since my last class ended at 11:20.
Doctor's appointment is one week from today!
I really haven't had much morning sickness etc. Some food aversions (chicken and eggs especially) but nothing too bad.
Then it got to be today. Ugh. Raging headache and puking all morning.
It's reassuring to have symptoms. That tells me that things are still progressing. I had forgotten how gross it feels to throw up though. At least I got to leave work early since my last class ended at 11:20.
Doctor's appointment is one week from today!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Internet Can Be Scary
Written at estimated 5w4d
Since we aren't really telling people for a while yet, I of course felt the need to find imaginary friends to inundate with my fears, questions, etc. My forum of choice was the June 2012 board on The Bump.
Generally published statistics indicate that about 20% of pregnancies result in miscarriage during the first trimester. Some other statistics I've read say that the majority of that 20% occur before the six week mark. Everyone seems to agree that if you can see the heartbeat on the ultrasound, the chances drop dramatically. Well, my first appointment isn't for another two weeks, so of course I have to stress and try to find out every little thing.
Back to the board and referring to the 20% statistic. I swear, the June 2012 board has already had SO MANY miscarriages! It looks like WAY more than 20%. Suddenly the place that started as a comfort to me reminding me that gas pains are not a sign of m/c has become a constant reminder that I am afraid I will lose this pregnancy. I am also so grateful every time I have a small cramp, feel tired or nauseated, and my boobs hurt.
Oh yeah, I also took another test this morning to make myself feel better. I also found this picture of little OitT.
Since we aren't really telling people for a while yet, I of course felt the need to find imaginary friends to inundate with my fears, questions, etc. My forum of choice was the June 2012 board on The Bump.
Generally published statistics indicate that about 20% of pregnancies result in miscarriage during the first trimester. Some other statistics I've read say that the majority of that 20% occur before the six week mark. Everyone seems to agree that if you can see the heartbeat on the ultrasound, the chances drop dramatically. Well, my first appointment isn't for another two weeks, so of course I have to stress and try to find out every little thing.
Back to the board and referring to the 20% statistic. I swear, the June 2012 board has already had SO MANY miscarriages! It looks like WAY more than 20%. Suddenly the place that started as a comfort to me reminding me that gas pains are not a sign of m/c has become a constant reminder that I am afraid I will lose this pregnancy. I am also so grateful every time I have a small cramp, feel tired or nauseated, and my boobs hurt.
Oh yeah, I also took another test this morning to make myself feel better. I also found this picture of little OitT.
Monday, December 5, 2011
What's in a name?
Written 5w0d
I had been wondering what I would call this little thing growing inside me. At least until we know a gender, etc. I had decided on my little uterine hitchhiker.

I told Andy, but what did he hear? He heard Onion in the Trunk. So now, that is what we have. Our little OitT.
I wish real conversations were this funny. Instead we have to rely on mishearing stuff. Oh well, at least that happens a lot. :)
Today is 5 weeks!
I had been wondering what I would call this little thing growing inside me. At least until we know a gender, etc. I had decided on my little uterine hitchhiker.
I told Andy, but what did he hear? He heard Onion in the Trunk. So now, that is what we have. Our little OitT.
I wish real conversations were this funny. Instead we have to rely on mishearing stuff. Oh well, at least that happens a lot. :)
Today is 5 weeks!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Such a Long Wait!
Written 4w6d
I called the doctor on Monday morning, 10/10. They don't want to see me until 10/31!!!! Boo. I want someone to see me now. Even though I know that waiting until then means I'll hopefully get to hear the heartbeat, I'm like Veruca Salt. I want it NOW!

We haven't told any family yet. What to do, what to do. I don't know if I can hold in my happiness for three whole weeks!
I called the doctor on Monday morning, 10/10. They don't want to see me until 10/31!!!! Boo. I want someone to see me now. Even though I know that waiting until then means I'll hopefully get to hear the heartbeat, I'm like Veruca Salt. I want it NOW!
We haven't told any family yet. What to do, what to do. I don't know if I can hold in my happiness for three whole weeks!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
I'm a Worrywart
Written 4 weeks 6 days
I've been noticing a fair amount of camping and stuff the past couple days. It totally stressed me out, but Dr. Google tells me that, so long as there is no bleeding, I'm ok. Apparently, it's my uterus stretching.
That's all well and good, but then I get worried when I DON'T feel the cramps.
I know too much science. This early pregnancy thing is stressful since I know how many fall apart at this point.
Good thoughts, good thoughts!
I've been noticing a fair amount of camping and stuff the past couple days. It totally stressed me out, but Dr. Google tells me that, so long as there is no bleeding, I'm ok. Apparently, it's my uterus stretching.
That's all well and good, but then I get worried when I DON'T feel the cramps.
I know too much science. This early pregnancy thing is stressful since I know how many fall apart at this point.
Good thoughts, good thoughts!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Well huh
Look what I saw on 10/08.

And the next morning after a trip to Walgreen's.

I will be posting a series on the weeks between this and my official announcement.
Written 4 weeks 5 days
And the next morning after a trip to Walgreen's.
I will be posting a series on the weeks between this and my official announcement.
Written 4 weeks 5 days
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Thanksgiving Projects
I took Thanksgiving break to take care of some crafty projects I had been wanting to do.
First, remember when I said I wanted new stockings?
Well, I ended up just taking A to the fabric store and let him pick his fabric. I still don't like how goofy and kid-like they are, but at least they are new, the same size, and kind of match.


We also put up and decorated the tree.

AND, I made a new wreath for the front door. I've been obsessed with yarn wreathes, so I did one of those. It isn't perfect, but I think it came out well for my first try.

I'll probably make more for year-round use.
Currently, I NEED to get busy on two gift quilts for Christmas. I'm also making an ornament for an exchange with some of my imaginary internet friends.
I hope all of your holidays are starting off well!
First, remember when I said I wanted new stockings?
Well, I ended up just taking A to the fabric store and let him pick his fabric. I still don't like how goofy and kid-like they are, but at least they are new, the same size, and kind of match.
We also put up and decorated the tree.
AND, I made a new wreath for the front door. I've been obsessed with yarn wreathes, so I did one of those. It isn't perfect, but I think it came out well for my first try.
I'll probably make more for year-round use.
Currently, I NEED to get busy on two gift quilts for Christmas. I'm also making an ornament for an exchange with some of my imaginary internet friends.
I hope all of your holidays are starting off well!
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