Since we aren't really telling people for a while yet, I of course felt the need to find imaginary friends to inundate with my fears, questions, etc. My forum of choice was the June 2012 board on The Bump.
Generally published statistics indicate that about 20% of pregnancies result in miscarriage during the first trimester. Some other statistics I've read say that the majority of that 20% occur before the six week mark. Everyone seems to agree that if you can see the heartbeat on the ultrasound, the chances drop dramatically. Well, my first appointment isn't for another two weeks, so of course I have to stress and try to find out every little thing.
Back to the board and referring to the 20% statistic. I swear, the June 2012 board has already had SO MANY miscarriages! It looks like WAY more than 20%. Suddenly the place that started as a comfort to me reminding me that gas pains are not a sign of m/c has become a constant reminder that I am afraid I will lose this pregnancy. I am also so grateful every time I have a small cramp, feel tired or nauseated, and my boobs hurt.
Oh yeah, I also took another test this morning to make myself feel better. I also found this picture of little OitT.
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