It looks like a duck. But it's my cutie pie little baby duck.
My biggest symptoms continue to be gas, constipation, and the vicious cycle of desperate thirst and a constant need to pee. The dogs are extra cuddly, I've started wearing A's PJ pants (I have to tie them on, but the waistband on mine are just a little too snug on my blump,) and I'm in bed by 9:00 every night. I'm pretty sure my puke fest last week was actually a bug not m/s. That's a blessing.
A says he can see changes in my belly, but I still contend that it isn't a real bump yet.
The scary moment today was when I tripped on a kid's backpack in my classroom. I fell all the way down, and, to add insult to injury, the doctor's office sent me to St. John's to get double checked even though it was probably no big deal. I have to get a RhoGam shot tomorrow since I'm O negative and there could be a chance that the baby is Rh positive and there MIGHT be a mixing of blood.
After the u/s, I started hopping online again, but I've again restricted myself. Too much Bump makes me way too paranoid. I still think about getting an at-home Doppler just to ease my mind. Then I wonder how neurotic I can really be. I think I'll wait to see how I feel about it at my next appointment when the nurse uses it on me.
On to week 9!
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