I have to complain a little. I am still sooooooo happy to be pregnant. I love feeling her move around and to know that every day she gets stronger and stronger. At the same time, this week has been kind of lame. I'm really tired. My belly button hurts. Who knew that could happen? I hate my swollen ankles at the end of a long day. Putting on my socks is hard. And, I really look pregnant. I always thought I would love that, but now that it's true, I just look fatter and grosser than usual.
I know all this seems worse because I have such a busy week at work and spring break is still two weeks away. I just want a day to sleep. And sleep, and sleep, and sleep.
I'm so lucky that A takes good care of me though and doesn't really expect me to do much at home these days.
That's it for now. I'm off to start another 12+ hour day. Goody!
rabbit, rabbit
One. to comment on the previous post-yah for 24 weeks! Two, we all have those crazy busy weeks so don't feel bad. Hope things slow down soon!