I know I said I was sick of baseball, but once the playoffs really got started, it was pretty fun.
Then, out of the blue, my brother decided to come to town for Game 7, and my dad offered to buy tickets for A and me. Cool!
Here is a little photoessay of the night.
The stadium
Before the game. (I forget that I have a screen protector which makes the whole image grainy.)
Budweiser wagon and crowd.
Clydesdales and more crowd. This wasn't half as bad as it got. Through most of the game people were pressing up against the fences trying to catch a glimpse of anything they could. It was crazy.
More pre-game crowd
My brother and me. It was cold!
We win! Look at all the confetti.
Through the playoffs, I followed Alan Craig's tortoise's Twitter feed. Here is the accounts final profile pic.
It was a fun post season. Now, I get to really focus on football. Hook 'em horns!
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