Tuesday, July 5, 2011

An Important Weekend

This past weekend marked two important events (three if you count that national holiday.)

First, July 4 was Henry's second birthday! Happy birthday little man!

Now, seeing as last year was his FIRST birthday, we had to get him a big present. And so we come to the second big event! Henry's birthday present!

Last 4th of July weekend I tricked Andy into "dog sitting" for Joline and, well, we just never gave her back. :) Ginger joined our family, and we've all been happier for it.

So Happy Birthday Henry and Happy Gotcha Day Ginger!

(I made the bandannas for a Stray Rescue event, but they looked festive, so those are the pics I chose.)


  1. Aw they look so cute! Ginger looks so sleek and refined, so different from when we had her. What a great family you guys are.

  2. It was a big dog celebration at your house! Happy birthday to Henry and happy gotcha day to Ginger!
