Ginger had her one-year vet appointment. Her weight is "perfect. The vet said she could feel her ribs but not see them. This is a new development as she really just put on quite a bit of weight in the last six weeks or so. The only worrisome thing is her teeth. She's got quite a bit of tartar, more than the two year old, and we suspect it has to do with her rough start. Because she's still a level 1, we're going to try denta stix and t/d food as treats to see if it gets better. The vet thinks there is a good chance of that fixing it without having to do a full cleaning. As a patient though, she was so so good.
The other story has to do with Doc, the 18 year old Shih Tzu mix. Well, at that age, his sight is getting worse, and depth perception is particularly bad. A was taking a load of laundry down to the basement this morning and Doc tried to follow. He missed the first step, hit the third step with his back legs, did a flip in the air, and A had to catch him in the laundry basket! OMG! Can you imagine if he had been trying to go down those stairs on his own? He would have been seriously hurt. We'll have to make sure that door is closed when we're not at home.
The cat is also experiencing some age issues. He's losing weight despite having food available at all times. His claws are also getting really thick. He doesn't sharpen them anymore, and this makes clipping harder. Because of his weight loss, he's also cold a lot. We tried putting a fleece hoodie that we bought for our foster dog on him. He really loves it and seems much happier.
Pets getting older is so sad. :(
Jerry looks adorable in that sweater. Captain Jack would never tolerate that. My pets will never get old. I have instructed David to get them "rejuvenated" when they are passing (which means get a non-evil doppleganger).