Thursday, April 21, 2011

Anesthesia Fun

OK, so at this point, we finally have the surgery all ready to go. The anesthesia nurse comes in and adds a mild sedative to my IV. There's a little burn, but no big deal. They start moving my bed and say something about am I ready. I just laughed and was like, "at this point I'm just along for the ride." The anesthesia nurse said I only had to worry about breathing, and once we got to the OR, she would take care of it from there. I then made a crack about involuntary muscle contraction, and I acknowledged that I was a smart ass all the time.

We rolled down to surgery and the room was very un-exciting. Cluttered almost. The doctor apologized that he had forgotten his iPod so there were no tunes. :) They put the oxygen mask on me and had me lay my arm out on the padded thing. I remember that the mask was kind of poking the area under my left eye, and... that was it. Seriously. Having never been put under before I figured I would feel it happening, like falling to sleep. Nope. Just like a switch. On then off.

The first thing I remember is rolling and hearing my doctor say that he hadn't found much endometriosis but removed that. And I THINK he said my tubes were clear. Then I remember moaning. It was like the worst cramps I had ever had. And not PAIN so much as discomfort. And I needed to pee. Now I feel like a real loser for moaning when there was really nothing wrong. Anyway, they gave me some toradol (super medical grade ibuprofen like stuff,) and those went down to almost nothing. The need to pee was still there though, but they promised me that it had been drained during surgery. OK.

That whole "waking up" thing was really the worst part. My muscles started trembling and they became functional, my left shoulder blade was poking me because I was every so slightly in the wrong position, and I was still so thirsty after no water for almost 18 hours. The nurse was SO nice though. Her name was Diana and she told me to not apologize for moaning. Then a nice guy named Patrick (not sure his affiliation) got me some ice chips. It sounded like he didn't have to do that, but was just being nice and helpful. The ice chips kept coming, I finally fully came to my senses, and then they rolled me to post-op.

My nurse in post-op was Jackie. She and Diana got me settled with a white cherry slushy (those ice chips were so good that I decided to keep up the theme,) and a smorgasbord of crackers (saltines, goldfish and graham.) Never thought that would fee like a feast. :) I watched some TV, went to the bathroom, and hubs picked me up about an hour later. Oh yeah, and I got my first percocet.

There were terrible storms when we were leaving, so after we got my meds, we came straight home. A made me scrambled eggs and a toaster waffle. Yum. I'm off work today but hope to go back tomorrow. I'll take off Friday too since it's all field day and stuff.


  1. Is it weird that I like to be put to sleep? Its such a nice, deep sleep. Glad things went well and that white cherry slushy sounds yum!

  2. You mean the doctor didn't have the motion-detector CD player that they have in Nip/Tuck?

    So, when do you get the results? I've only been completely out once, for wisdom teeth removal, and in twilight once, for a colonoscopy. I hope you get good news, Sarah!
